The Military Tribute Banner Program is for Big Canoe Property Owners to honor their deceased military veteran family members and close associates. Beautiful 18”x36” patriotic banners, honoring deceased military veterans, are proudly displayed on Lake Petit Dam during the weeks that include Memorial, Independence and Veterans Days.
The honoree’s name, military service, years of service, war/conflict, highest awards and sponsor’s name are printed on the banner. A sponsorship donation of $150 covers the cost for fabrication, construction and future maintenance. When you as a sponsor permanently relocate from Big Canoe, the banner will be yours as a wonderful keepsake.
Smoke Signals offers a series of columns telling the stories behind the Military Tribute Banners displayed along Lake Petit Dam. You can access those stories at We invite all those who have banners to consider sharing their stories. For those interested, please contact Barbara Schneider at