NGV’s Legal Charter
A. The name of this organization shall be: North Georgia Veterans (NGV)

Mission Statement
A. Provide an opportunity for fellowship with and service to military veterans living in the North Georgia area.
B. Preserve and promote the traditions and history of the United States Armed Forces.
C. Conduct charitable and community service as determined by the officers and leadership of NGV.
A. The North Georgia Veterans shall not be operated for gain or profit; none of its property or earnings shall benefit any member or private individual.
A. No part of the activities of NGV shall attempt to influence legislation, by propaganda or otherwise, and the NGV shall not participate or intervene in any political campaign on behalf of or in opposition to any candidate for public office.
B. The membership list shall be considered confidential and not be available to anyone for commercial use.
A. Open Membership
- 1. Membership in the NGV will not be denied to any qualified veterans on the basis of race, religion, sex, creed, or national origin.
B. Eligibility Requirements
- 1. Membership in the NGV is open to any person who has served in the armed forces of the United States and received an honorable discharge.
C. Dues
- Membership in the NGV is free to qualified veterans.
D. Honorary Membership Requirements
- 1. An Honorary Member will have all rights and privileges of a Regular Member, except they do not have the right to vote or hold office in NGV.
- 2. There are two ways an individual may be recommended for honorary membership.
- Legacy
- The spouse of a deceased Regular Member of the NGV will automatically be invited to become an Honorary Member in the NGV.
- Nomination
- Any Regular Member of the NGV, in good standing, may nominate an individual who has supported the mission of the United States Military in the past and has expressed an interest in supporting the NGV in its mission.
- From time to time, unique circumstances will arise that the current serving board of directors believes is in the spirit of "having supported the mission of the United States Military in the past.” Those deserving individual cases should be carefully judged on their unique qualifications and, thereby, be appropriately considered.
- This category of membership is NOT available to spouses of current Regular Members.
- 3. The officers of the NGV will review and accept or reject the nomination for a Honorary Member. Their decision in this matter is final and not subject to appeal.
Elected Officers
A. President
- President will preside at all meetings and is responsible for formulating and developing NGV programs; appoints committees as needed to accomplish the mission of the NGV.
B. Vice President
- Assists and supports the President; presides at meetings in absence of the President; and succeeds to the Presidency upon incapacity or resignation of the President and automatically succeeds to Presidency upon completion of the President’s term of service.
C. Treasurer
- Accounts for all funds collected and disbursed; reports to the officers and membership on the financial status of the NGV.
D. Treasurer
- Accounts for all funds collected and disbursed; reports to the officers and membership on the financial status of the NGV.
Appointed Officers
A. Program Director
- Assists and supports the President, presides at meetings in the absence of the President and Vice President, oversees the food service and meeting arrangements for our monthly meetings.
B. Communications Director
- Conduct meetings in the absence of all other officers; publish official meeting minutes on any vote by the membership of NGV; maintain the NGV website with current information; provide the Club with a roster of lunch reservations for our monthly meetings; maintain an email list of our membership and submit periodic article to the Smoke Signals promoting the activities of the NGV.
C. Chaplin
- Provide an invocation, where required, at NGV events; send cards to members or their immediate family in the event of illness, hospitalization or death; identify and train a backup Chaplain to cover duties when not available.
Election of President and Vice President
A. Term of Office
- The term of office shall be for one year, beginning with the installation of officers at the Annual November Banquet and ending after the installation of new officers the following November.
- Elected officers shall be limited to serving no more than two consecutive terms in the same office.
B. Nominations process for President and Vice President
- In September, the President may appoint a Chair for the Nominations Committee, who will be responsible for selecting members to serve on that committee.
- The committee is responsible for recommending to the membership, a candidate for Vice President, who will succeed as President following his term of office.
- If for some reason, the current Vice President is unable or unwilling to serve as President, the Nominations Committee May present their recommendation for both the President and Vice President.
- The Nominations Committee may present their recommendation to the membership at the October meeting.
- The President may ask for any nominations from the floor, which must be seconded for consideration by the membership.
- If more than one candidate the membership will vote on the candidate of their choice, by secret written ballot.
- The successful candidate for the position of Vice President will be announced at the NGV Annual Dinner / Banquet.
C. Eligibility to vote
- All Regular Members who are present at the October meeting are eligible to vote.
- Honorary Members are not eligible to vote or serve as an officer in the NGV.
Replacing elected or appointed officers
A. Replacement for cause
- Any officer who is convicted of a criminal offense or brings public disdain or ridicule upon the NGV will be subject to being replaced by a majority vote of the current officers.
- If either the President or Vice President is unable or unwilling to complete their term of office they will be replaced.
- The President will be replaced by the Vice President.
- If the Vice President position becomes vacant before July 15th a new election must be held in accordance with our By-laws to elect a new Vice President.
- If the vacancy occurs on or after July 15th, the position will remain vacant until new elections are held in October.
B. Appointed Officers
- Appointed officers serve at the pleasure of the President and can be replaced by a majority vote of the NGV officers at any time.
A. The members of the NGV will meet each month at a time and place to be determined by the President and at least a two week notification will be given as to the time and place to each member.
B. The NGV Annual Meeting may be held during October to elect new officers for the new year.
C. The NGV Annual Dinner / Banquet will be held on, or about, the 2nd Wednesday of November and is open to all Regular and Honorary Members and their spouses or escorts.
D. For the purposes of conducting official business a quorum shall be considered to be a majority of those Regular Members present and eligible to vote.
Ad hoc Committees
The President may appoint from time to time such committees as deemed necessary to conduct business and accomplish the NGV mission.
Ad hoc committees serve at the pleasure of the President and may be dissolved at any time.
The President is an ex-officio member of all active committees.
Official NGV Uniform
The NGV uniform consists of the following:
- Navy blue blazer for both men and women
- Grey slacks or skirt
- White shirt or blouse
- Branch campaign tie or scarf
- Black shoes
- Official NGV name badge worn on RIGHT lapel
- Authorized miniature medals worn in accordance with NGV guidelines
A. These By-laws may be changed by amendment at either the monthly meeting or a called meeting by 2/3 majority of the voting members attending.
B. Notice of proposed changes must be made available on the NGV website at least 30 days before the scheduled meeting.
C. Announcement of an intent to change the By-laws must be made at the monthly NGV meeting the month prior to the vote.
A. The By-law changes have been approved according to the procedures outlined in our By-laws and supersede all previous By-laws.
I, Jay Misback, President of the North Georgia Veterans, do hereby certify that these By-laws were approved by the NGV membership, according to our By-laws on 3/24/2021.
Jay Misback (signature)
Jay Misback, President North Georgia Veterans